The Siracourt blockhouse was built by the Todt Organisation in the Pas-de-Calais Département. The site was code-named Wasserwerk St. Pol and was one of several so-called "special" constructions.
The Siracourt site is one of the most spectacular constructions of its type, at 212 metres long, 42 metres wide and 12 metres high. The construction method used was the result of numerous reflections on what had worked well at similar sites and what could be improved, taking lessons from the numerous bombings of the similar V2 site at Eperlecques. In fact, a completely new construction method was adopted, based on the construction of the roof first, which was installed flat on the ground. Once the roof was dry, the workers were able to dig out the lower part.
This construction was intended for FI-103 flying bombs, better known as V1s. The site was to be used to store, prepare and fire the V1s.The thick concrete roof was to protect the entire site.
To enable the V1 flying bombs to be fired on England, in particular London, it was necessary to spread the firing bases from the Belgian border to the Seine-Maritime, while maintaining around 200km between the firing site and the point of impact. By multiplying the construction of small, concealed sites, the German forces would be able to fire a maximum number of V1s. Contrary to this, Luftwaffe General Erhard Milch advocated for the installation of large launch bases. After some study, Hermann Göring decided to build heavy bases and concealed light installations. The Siracourt blockhouse was linked to the main railway line from Saint Pol to Abbeville, enabling V1 bombs to be transported by train.
Like many heavy bases, the Allies were quick to spot these unusually large sites. As a result, there was a lot of bombing. In the case of Siracourt, the construction was spotted as early as September 1943. Nearly 27 air attacks were carried out against this construction and around 5,070 tonnes of bombs were dropped by the Allies. It was the use of the Tallboy bomb that sealed the fate of the construction. In fact, the site was never able to function, and was never completed, as a bomb penetrated the roof completely.
14 Rue de Beauvois, Siracourt, 62130