The Netherlands
In the spring of 1945, Allied troops begin their advance to liberate the Netherlands. Following a failed Operation Market Garden in September 1944, the advance had stalled, resulting in only a portion of the south and east of the Netherlands being liberated. Above the major rivers, the country has endured a long, cold winter, and there is hunger in the major cities.
At the end of April 1945, the Allies negotiate with the Germans to alleviate the famine in the western part of the Netherlands - the Randstad. On April 30, they conclude the Agreement of Achterveld. British and American bombers are granted permission by the German authorities to drop food over the west. These food drops are known as Operation Manna and Operation Chowhound. Less well-known is the fact that food was also transported by road. The Canadians refer to this as Operation Faust. Two hundred British and Canadian trucks drive from food storage depots in Oss, Den Bosch, and Nijmegen to the west during Operation Faust.
On May 2, 1945, the food transports begin. Items such as biscuits, canned meat, condensed milk, sugar, and salt are transported by British trucks from the depot at the ENKA site in Ede to the Nude. This is the no man's land between Wageningen and Rhenen. Meanwhile, Canadians transport food parcels from the depot in Nijmegen to the Nude. Food transports also take place from Oss and Den Bosch.
At the Nude, civilians unload the Allied trucks because the Germans want to inspect the cargo. The cargo is then reloaded. The Allies are not allowed to enter the occupied western Netherlands. Therefore, Dutch civilians drive the trucks donated by the Allies further towards Utrecht. Here, the food is stored for further distribution.
Stationsweg, Ede