
Memorial to the Jewish Community of Medernach





In 1845 the first Jewish family came to Medernach. In 1860, 60 Jewish people lived here. In 1900, three families totalling 21 persons were registered to have been living here. In 1930 the Jewish community numbered 33 members. During the Nazi occupation at least 28 Jews were deported and murdered. The memorials were erected in 1958 and 2021 to commemorate and remember those who were murdered as a result of the Holocaust.

In 1845 the first Jewish family came to Medernach. Other Jewish families lived in neighbouring villages (Waldbillig, Christnach). Most of them were active as cattle traders. In 1860 the Jewish population numbered 25 members. From 1875 they acquired the Luxembourg nationality and became fully integrated in the village society.

Nathan Kahn, born in Medernach in 1852, acquired the Luxembourg nationality in 1876. He was a candidate in local elections in 1908 and was elected.

In 1882 a ‘prayerhouse’ (called the synagogue) was created for the Jews from Medernach, Waldbillig and Christnach. By 1930 the Jewish community in Medernach numbered 33 members.

On 16 October 1941, 18 Jews from Medernach were deported to the ghetto of Litzmannstadt, Poland. In February 1942 Norbert Kahn was arrested by the Gestapo because he did not wear his ‘star of David’ which identified him as a Jew. . From the concentration camp of Hinzert, Germany he was then deported to Buchenwald, Germany where he was murdered. His mother was deported to Cinqfointaines, Luxembourg where she would then also die.

 On 8 28 July 1942 the last 8 Jews from Medernach were deported to the ghetto of Theresienstadt, Bohemia (now Czech Republic).

By the end of the Second World War, none of this small Jewish community had survived. The only survivor originating from a family of the Jewish community was living with his family in France where his father, mother and brother were arrested, deported and murdered.

In 1959 and 2021, memorials were inaugurated at the place of the former ‘synagogue’.


Rue de Savelborn, Medernach, L-7660, Luxembourg