
Liberated but robbed

The Netherlands




The Allies brought freedom. But in return they also took something with them. According to Lawyer Vos from Appingedam: 'Liberated but robbed.'

Provincial Military Commissioner Hein Holtkamp receives more and more reports of looting by Allied soldiers, especially from the area around Appingedam and Delfzijl. “Due to the heavy fighting, many Eemsmond residents were evacuated by order of the Canadian army command between April 23 and May 1. Upon their return, many found chaos in their homes. Most of the safes had been broken open.”

For example, a report from the Military Authority in Groningen states: The mayor of Bierum reports: "During the occupation of part of the municipality of Bierum, many goods were removed from the empty houses by Canadian troops. Due to the shelling from Delfzijl, Nansum, Emden, Campen (Eastfr.), Borkum and warships, some villages were completely depopulated. The troop encamped in the houses and everything they liked was taken with them.

Virtually all safes were forced. The villages Bierum and Holwierde in particular suffered a lot. A lot of money and goods have been stolen, causing many people to get into trouble.”