
Stretcher-bearer Charles Joseph Harte

Paesi Bassi



Indicazioni stradali

Private Harte was a stretchet-bearer in the A Company of the Cape Breton Highlanders on 1 May 1945 when a platoon was engaged in clearing the enemy from the village of Farmsum, on the Eems canal opposite Delfzijl.

The platoon of private Harte was counter-attacked in Farsmum by the Germans from the north and cut off from the remainder of the company in Delfzijl. While fighting their way back, the platoon sustained a number of casualties of which all except one were evacuated safely. The remaining casualty was lying only thirty meters in front of an active German Machine Gun Post.

Private Harte volunteered to cross the canal and bring back the wounded man. Despite the knowledge that two other man had been killed trying to evacuate the wounded man, Harte dashed across the bullet swept bridge in full view of the enemy and reached the wounded man who was lying three hundred meters from the bridge,

Harte lifted him on his back and crawled to the shelter of a house. Then having rendered first aid, Harte carried the wounded man back across the bridge to safety. The next day the German Korvettenkapitän Wolter in Farmsum would surrender to the Irish Regiment of Canada, after which the battle for the Delfzijl-Pocket was over. According to his recommendation report for the Military Medal, his courageous action and selfless devotion to duty not only saved the life of his comrade, but was an inspiring example to the entire company at a critical period of the action. In July 1945 he received his Military Medal.


Eemskanaal Noordzijde 3 9934 RD Delfzijl