
Intense fighting in and around Posterenk





On the morning of April 13, 1945, the Canadians anticipated a swift advance towards the Groote Wetering Canal. While this was largely the case, one of the Canadian regiments encountered heavy resistance in the hamlet of Posteren, located to the east of Apeldoorn. From the old Wilpermolen, Germans fired live rounds at the Canadians, placing the mill under fire as well.

It is a foggy morning. The attack is scheduled for eight o'clock in the morning, but fifteen minutes later, it is reported that there are many German snipers active in the area. Two soldiers on the Allied side are killed. The attack is postponed. At ten minutes to eleven in the morning, the attack is launched. The Canadians advance towards Posterenk with the support of tanks and anti-tank guns. The local population takes shelter in bunkers and waits to see what will happen.

Contrary to expectations, a Canadian regiment encounters heavy resistance at Posterenk. The troops have to fight for every square meter. Germans have positioned themselves in houses and farms, firing at the approaching Canadians. In the Posterenk mill, the Germans have set up a signaling post, which is in communication with the church tower of Duistervoorde where a radio post is located. This signals the troop movements of the Canadians to the German positions. Therefore, the Canadian troops shell the mill, damaging it. The miller's house next to it burns down completely. Lieutenant Richard Booth Savage, commander of a platoon, is killed and two Canadians are wounded. Sergeant James Scott immediately takes command. He engages the Germans, killing two and capturing eight.

With the support of tanks, the company manages to clear Posterenk of the enemy on the same day, Friday, April 13th. Unfortunately, this comes at the cost of several houses and farms being destroyed or set on fire during the fighting. At 1:37 PM, it is reported that the company has secured Posterenk. Fifty Germans are taken prisoner.

After this, the Canadian troops are ordered to liberate Wilp-Achterhoek to reach the Groote Wetering Canal behind it. Then, the way is clear to the still occupied Apeldoorn.

On the Canadian side, there are several casualties who died during the liberation of Posterenk and its surroundings. Some fallen Canadians find a temporary resting place in Posterenk and are reburied after the war at the Canadian cemetery in Holten.


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