
Sandweiler German Military Cemetery





The German Military War Cemetery of Sandweiler is located near the town of Sandweiler, south-east of Luxembourg and less than two kilometres from the adjacent Luxembourg-American cemetery at Hamm.

Sandweiler German Military Cemetery is a Second World War  burial site with 10,913 graves of German soldiers who died primarily during the ‘Battle of the Bulge’ fighting, in the winter of 1944 to 1945 in the Ardennes and the eastern border areas of Luxembourg. 

4,829 soldiers are buried in the ‘Kameradengrab’ mass grave, underneath a large black native  ’Eifel’  lava cross. Their names are cast on a series of bronze plaques mounted in a circle around the central cross. 

The German cemetery at Sandweiler is maintained by the   ‘Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge’  (Federal German War Graves Commission), and is in striking contrast in both its design and layout in comparison with the nearby Luxembourg - American Cemetery. 

A visit to both cemeteries is entirely feasible, both distance and timing, and is highly recommended.


Scheidhof, L-5280 Sandweiler

Infos / +352 35 50 07