Lance Sergeant John Alexander Bullions of the Irish Regiment of Canada was in command of the leading section of the forward platoon. During the night of 27, 28 April 1945, they got the orders to advance towards the village of Heveskes near the harbor town of Delfzijl. This little town was protected by an extensive trench system and bunkers and covered by tactical wire.
At approximately 23:00 hours, the pioneers blew a gap through the wire entanglement and Bullions led his section through to open a lane for the company. The Germans opened up with heavy fire from both machine guns, mortars and artillery fire from the coast, the whole area was swept with murderous fire. The section passed through the first obstacle and mopped up the German position, and then encountered a second wire obstacle for which no explosives were available.
Lance Sergeant Bullions ordered his men to take cover from the heavy German fire and went forward alone. Despite the heavy fire attracted by his movements, Bullions succeeded in cutting a gap in the wire, through which he led his section. One of his men was wounded and caught in the wire. When his section has seized the initial objective (crossroad) and was sited to hold the gap, Lance Sergeant Bullions returned under heavy fire to the aid of his wounded comrade. While so exposing himself in aid of his wounded comrade Lance Sergeant Bullions was killed.
According to his recommendation report for the Silver Star, he distinguished himself by extraordinary heroism, both by his act of opening a gap, through which his company was able to pass, and by his unselfish devotion to his men which resulted in his death at the age of 20. It was due to his heroism and leadership that his company was able to reach its objective and capture the town of Heveskes. For this he was posthumously awarded the Silver Star on July 20, 1945. Sergeant Bullions is buried at the Canadian War Cemetery in Holten.