Lieu d'intêret

Oostkapelle - Stützpunkt Hamster





Stützpunkt Hamster accommodated five large radar stations of the German Air Force in the Netherlands. With the Mammut radar system, which was more than 10 meters wide and nearly 30 meters high, Allied aircraft that was up to 300 kilometres away could be detected. With these radar systems, German night hunters could be directed towards Allied aircraft. Powered by ‘Hamster’, around thirty Allied bombers were shot down.

Walcheren was strategically important due to its location at the mouth of the Scheldt Estuary and the strong Atlantik Wall. The Allies started the invasion of Walcheren with Operation Infatuate II: a landing near the bombed ‘Zeedijk’ at Westkapelle.

After the German Scheldt batteries had been conquered, the final act of the Battle of the Scheldt could begin: the expulsion of the last German units from the coastal area between Domburg and Vrouwenpolder. Although the defences built here were much lighter than along the Scheldt, the battle would last a few days and cause numerous casualties, primarily through mines and snipers. Despite the desperate situation, the German forces continued to supply their isolated troops.

On November 4, British troops attacked the batteries and bunkers north of Domburg. A fierce battle followed, and on November 5, among others, Stützpunkt Hamster was taken.

Traces of the former Stützpunkt and the presence of the German troops are still visible around the Westhove Castle, the 18th-century orangery (Terra Maris museum), in the surrounding nature reserve ‘De Manteling’ and the adjacent dunes.

Visit the Zeeuwse Ankers website (Zeeland Anchors) for comprehensive information, personal stories and videos about the Battle of the Scheldt.



Groeneweg 1, 4356 CH Oostkapelle